AIKIDO DICTIONARY - an interpretation of Aikido terms
Context | Term or Phrase | Japanese | Meaning |
Etiquette | Shomen ni rei | 正面に礼 | Bow to the Shomen or Kamiza |
Etiquette | Otagai ni rei | お互いに礼 | Bow to each other |
Etiquette | Onegai shimasu | お願いします | Please train with me |
Etiquette | Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu | どうもありがとうございます | Thank you very much |
Counting | Ichi | 一 | One (1) |
Counting | Ni | 二 | Two (2) |
Counting | San | 三 | Three (3) |
Counting | Shi or Yon | 四 | Four (4) |
Counting | Go | 五 | Five (5) |
Counting | Roku | 六 | Six (6) |
Counting | Shichi | 七 | Seven (7) |
Counting | Hachi | 八 | Eight (8) |
Counting | Kyū | 九 | Nine (9) |
Counting | Jū | 十 | Ten (10) |
Direction / Position | Omote | 表 | Enter through uke's front-side |
Direction / Position | Ura | 裏 | Enter towards uke's rear or blind-side |
Direction / Position | Soto | 外 | Outside or Outer Circle |
Direction / Position | Uchi | 内 | Inside or Inside Circle |
Direction / Position | Jodan | 上段 | High |
Direction / Position | Chudan | 中段 | Middle |
Direction / Position | Gedan | 下段 | Low |
Stance / Posture | Ai-hanmi | 合半身 | Same / matching foot forward |
Stance / Posture | Gyaku-hanmi | 逆半身 | Opposite foot forward |
Stance / Posture | Migi-hanmi | 右半身 | Right foot forward |
Stance / Posture | Hidari-hanmi | 左半身 | Left foot forward |
Stance / Posture | Seiza | 正座 | Formal kneeling position |
Stance / Posture | Kiza | 跪座 | Kneeling with raised toes |
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